Lindsey Manos, DHSc, PA-C  in


My Why

I had a close friend suffer from an illness and pass away when I was in middle school. This sparked my love of medicine, specifically oncology. I was the first person in my family to enter the medical field, and I had to navigate through all the information available online alone. I know first-hand how overwhelming it can be! I was fortunate that a chance meeting with a practicing PA turned into a clinical rotation in the specialty of my dreams at a large academic center where I would ultimately get my first job. It was as a new graduate PA at this large academic medical center that I met a surgeon mentor who helped to shape my future career success. I am grateful to have benefited from strong mentorship, and it has been my privilege to mentor many prePA and PA students for over a decade. I am excited to support students in their journey to become strong candidates for professional school and future medical leaders.

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Lindsey Manos, PA-C, DHSc is a hepatobiliary surgical oncology physician assistant (PA) and the program manager for the Multidisciplinary Pancreatic Cyst Program at a large academic medical center in Baltimore, MD. She also serves as the director of strategic innovation in the Center for Patient and Caregiver Engagement at the Nikki Mitchell Foundation. Lindsey obtained a master’s degree in physician assistant sciences from Gannon University and a doctor of Health Science degree, with a concentration in organizational behavior, from A.T. Still University.

Lindsey has been invited to speak nationally and internationally regarding her work developing multidisciplinary programs and the role of Advanced Practice clinicians in surveillance care. Lindsey has several first author publications and has been involved in multiple publications on the care of patients with benign and malignant pancreatic disease. Lindsey has been recognized for her work supporting the practice autonomy and professional development of Advanced Practice clinicians. She has held various managerial and leadership roles at her organization, including the Chair of an Advanced Practice Advisory Council. Lindsey has received the Nurse Practitioner/Physician Assistant Clinical Excellence Award and Service Star Award from her organization and The National Pancreas Foundation’s Compassionate Care Award.